Great essay writing
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
John Dillinger Essay Summary Example For Students
John Dillinger Essay Summary Josh PerkinsOn June 22, 1903 a man named John Dillinger was conceived. He experienced childhood in the Oak Hill Section of Indianapolis. At the point when John was three years of age his mom passed on, and when his fatehr remarried six years after the fact, John disliked hes stepmother. At the point when John was a young person he was every now and again in a difficult situation. He at long last quit school and found a new line of work in a machine shop in Indianapolis. He was exceptionally smart and a decent laborer, yet he before long got exhausted and frequently remained out throughout the night. His dad started to imagine that the city was tainting his child, so he sold his property in Indianapolis and moved his family to a homestead close Mooresville, Indiana. John responded no preferable to provincial life over he had to that in the city and before long started to go out of control once more. At 21 years old he endeavored his first burglary, ransacking a supermarket, in his old neighborhood. He was gotten and detained for a long time until 1933. Not long after he was discharged, Dillinger ransacked a bank in Bluffton, Ohio and was captured by the Dayton police. He was placed in Lima district prison to sit tight for his preliminary. The Lima police found a record on John which appeared to be an arrangement for a jail break, however he denied everything. After four days, utilizing similar plans, eight of Dillingers companions got away from the Indiana State Prison, utilizing shotguns and rifles which had been pirated into their cells. During their break, they slaughtered two gatekeepers. On October 12, three of the got away from detainees and a parolee from a similar jail appeared at the Lima prison where Dillinger was. They told the sheriff that they had come to return Dillinger to the Indiana State Prison for infringement of his parole. At the point when the sheriff requested to see their qualifications, one of the men threatened to use a firearm, fired the sheriff and beat him into obviousness. They took the keys, liberated Dillinger, bolted the sheriffs spouse and a delegate in the cell, and left. Leaving the sheriff to pass on the floor. These four mens unique mark cards were pulled, demonstrating that they were needed. In the mean time, Dillinger and his pack pulled a few bank thefts. They likewise took a few assault rifles, rifles, and guns, an amount of ammo, and a few impenetrable vests. By mid-1934, Dillinger had been involveed in at any rate ten bank thefts in Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, and South Dakota. He was stowing away in Chicago with a lady by the name of Anna Sage. This acquaintace was supposed to be the person who told on John. She told government operators she would be wearing a red dress when she and a young lady companion went with Dillinger to the theater. Sage got popular as the woman dressed in red.Agents were holding up outside to capture him. Dillinger snatched a gun from his pant pocket and endeavored to escape, the three operators started shooting. Dillinger was articulated dead at 10:50 p.m. at Alexian Brothers Hospital. John Herbert Dillinger was executed July 22, 1934 before a Chicag cinema. He was shot multiple times. Two shots brushed his face, one shot pertruded into is arm ,and the fourth shot entered the rear of his head, leaving underneath his correct eye. John was 31 years of age when he kicked the bucket. He had been at the highest point of the Federal Bureau of Investigations Ten Most Wanted rundown for a month before he passed on. He and his pack threatened the Midwest, executing ten men, injuring seven others, burglarizing banks and police arenals, and stageing three prison breakskilling a sheriff during one and injuring two monitors in another.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Diary Form Narrative in Dracula free essay sample
The Irish writer, Bram Stoker, was an imaginative and scholarly author, and all things considered, composed the gothic novel Dracula in the journal type of account. This was a decent decision of how to compose the novel since it was valuable to the plot of Dracula. Instances of how the journal structure is valuable to Dracula are found in his composition and book, as I will presently initiate in letting you know. Probably the best advantage of the journal account is that the peruser is permitted see, and feel the passionate central cores of the enthusiastic characters. This is incredible in light of the fact that when a character isn't feeling excessively extraordinary and is concealing something, the peruser knows this, and along these lines the peruser knows all that is occurring; nothing is being escaped the peruser. A case of this incident is when Mina is at the crazy haven and is really anxious about something happening to Jonathan Harper. We will compose a custom paper test on Journal Form Narrative in Dracula or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Mina shrouds all that she feels when Jonathan Harper is close to her. All that Mina is believing is composed by her, and what, how she is believing is prepared for a peruser to analyze on the grounds that they can see her journal. In the event that Minas journal was not open to the peruser, or on the off chance that somebody was recounting what the person in question saw, the perception could be bogus and the peruser would lose important data that would be significant to the entire plot of the book. A few things that can be seen about the journal structure are that various perspectives on something very similar can be communicated by a wide range of individuals; all in first individual view. At that point, alongside that, there are broad and definite depictions about a thing, or individual that is being portrayed. In the novel, this is viewed as Jonathan Harper is voyaging and he depicts nearly everything, he does, eat, sees, and so forth. Another utilization of the journal structure is that Bram Stoker can have individuals converse with themselves. So if the individual who is writing in their journal, that individual can make notes to themselves, composing I should get some information about this. So by conversing with themselves thusly, he is recording it and they don't in any capacity cause it so they to appear to be abnormal before open. The beneficial thing about utilizing the journal to compose is that it very well may be utilized conversely with periodicals and letters being composed or perused by an individual. Similarly as in a journal, broad portrayals and enormous passionate sentiments can be communicated and felt by the peruser. Additionally, during the utilization of letters, two individuals speaking will and can be worked out in discourse structure; along these lines, the two individuals, while talking, won't need to switch tenses after a few sentences. At the point when the paper structure is utilized, the peruser can perceive what's going on and will have the option to have an independent mind and they won't must have the book, or somebody in the book clarify what they are perusing to them. So as it were, if a paper is written in the book, the peruser will have the opportunity to think, infer, and make their own determinations from the article being perused. At the point when the journal structure is utilized, numerous things can go on without a moment's delay. So one individual can be talking or expounding on something, and afterward another person can likewise be telling about what's going on elsewhere. A model is the place Mina wraps up a diary passage and afterward out of nowhere, another account of Dr. Van Helsing and his patient comes in through another beginning of a journal. An extraordinary thing that is controlled superbly with the journal structure is time. Time, which typically can't be changed or moved around, can be reclaimed through time for things that need to happen when the journal type of story is utilized. For example, after Lucy had composed what was befalling her when her mom died, the story returned in time for another significant issue to occur. When, there are various individuals of better places, they can be distinguished by how they act and how they talk. On the off chance that, Bram Stoker didn't utilize the journal structure account, this would not be conceivable provided that one individual was recounting to the entire story, the peruser would see and hear what the individual recounting to the story heard and recorded. So utilizing, the journal, Bram Stoker could make the peruser see precisely how an individual was talking and acting through the composed tongues. In the novel Dracula, all the journals, of the considerable number of people meet up and at long last, become one amazing, blend of depictions, realities, that speaks to a gathering all in all and the peruser can feel as though they are a piece of the gathering and read, and think alongside the characters. One more thing managing the journal structure is brisk referencing. The peruser, if necessary, can without much of a stretch flip back through the book to search for something that he needs or needs. The journal structure is incredible! It allows a peruser to reader, and perceive how characters decipher things themselves. The structure lets exchanges happen, it lets numerous individuals by and large recount to a story in first individual, and it leaves a peruser alone ready to see thickly definite scenes through an individual that isnt being a blockhead conversing with the person in question self. The journal type of story is essentially a type of composing that lets an immense chance of good approaches to compose into a decent book.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Commencement Speech from a College Essay Advisor Alum
Commencement Speech from a College Essay Advisor Alum Commencement Speech from a CEA Alum Commencement Speech from a CEA Alum Over the years I have worked with many talented individuals who go on to attend top-notch schools, secure the most sought-after jobs in the country, and work towards the larger goal of positively impacting the world at large. While many of these students have a talent for written expression and word craft, the ability to deliver those words out loud and with sincerity and conviction is another skill entirely. Quincy M. is a former CEA student who recently graduated from Washington High School in Iowa. Last week Quincy served as the class of 2013s commencement speaker, delivering a message of honesty, wisdom and encouragement to his fellow students. Pointing out that, compared to so many people in the world past and present, he and his classmates have it too easy to sweat the small stuff, Quincy urged his fellow graduates to do big things with their lives. It is natural to fixate on the bumps in the road, he says. But tonight, I challenge you to look at the big picture instead. It yields greater rewards. Because we all have dreams: dreams for college, dreams for where we will work, dreams for our lives. Regardless of what you choose, have passion in your conviction and take chances. The language and tone of his speech is crisp and compelling, but what is most striking is the composure and charisma with which this incredibly talented seventeen-year-old speaks to a live audience of thousands. He clearly has a gift characteristic of CEOs and world leaders. Quincy will be attending The George Washington University next year, where I know he will continue to be a leader and move people with the power of his words. CEA congratulates him and the entire class of 2013, and a decade from now, remember you heard it here first: Quincy for President! About Stacey BrookStacey Brook is an accomplished writer and admissions expert who has spent the last decade helping students conceptualize, edit and refine their college essays.View all posts by Stacey Brook » | Website
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Interview With Tobias Kuners, A Prominent International...
Introduction In this part of the paper, I must introduce my audience to my subject matter. I can do this by explaining the broader category that I am writing about and then zeroing in on what I really need to say about my topic. I can use a startling statement, a quote, or a definition. In the end, I need to have at least five to seven sentences to capture the main points. Citation Kuners, T. (2009-2015). If it does not add value, let it rest! the performance factory. Retrieved from Major Thesis The online magazine the performance factory,†¦show more content†¦In his view, good program managers must make certain all projects are clearly defined, carried out, and examined. He also talks about keeping a close relationship with all customers so that the business provides only what the customer needs. He believes, if a company assumes what customers want when the consumer does not really value it, then the company wastes time, effort, and money. Another one of his important keys to success is performance indicators. He believes one must keep up with all performance indicators; monitoring them at least monthly at the organizational level and then distilling and translating this information into data that is useful and relevant to employees at lower levels in the organization. Kuners claims that keeping these principles in mind will help one become a good program manager. In addition to keeping track of performance indicators, Kuners attributes his success to his focus on continuous improvement and optimization. He believes there is a link between this and cost savings. According to Tobias, â€Å"by driving continuous improvement and optimization on an organizational scale and by continuously steering in that direction, you will create a lean and mean organization, which can rapidly respond to change and where people feel they make a difference†(Kuners, 2009-2015, p. 7). He advocates using cost saving methods to e liminate activities that do not add
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Labor And The Collective Bargaining Process - 978 Words
1.1 The actors who are generally involved in the collective bargaining process are Management but more specifically, the owners and shareholders, executives and managers and the industrial and human resource people. In the collective bargaining process in labor it is the individual employees and the labor unions which represent them. In local, state, and federal government agencies and the public. It is the government agencies that act as representatives of the public interest and are responsible for making policies. 2.1 Some basic assumptions about labor and conflict are society has an impact on labor activities, that conflict is gong to happen between labor and management. This conflict is not always unhealthy though. Another assumption is that conflict comes from labor and management having different social and economic interests. There are multiple perspectives from labor and management. 3.2 Some of the legal reaction toward unionization before the NLRA were that unions were viewed as criminal conspiracies up until 1842. Unions were viewed as violating a worker s right to bargain with their employer as they wish and was not until Commonwealth vs Hunt that unions were not considered as criminal conspiracies. By 1935 Injunctions became used widely and unions were no longer considered criminal conspiracies. If union activities were found illegal, Judges began putting injunctions against these activities and was the judge s determination if a union s actionShow MoreRelatedProcess For Settling Labor Management Disputes Peacefully1668 Words  | 7 Pagescentury the process for settling labor-management disputes peacefully is known as collective bargaining, and was given statutory legitimacy in 1935 with the adoption of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) (Boniface Rashmi, 2013, Barrett, Cutcher-Gershenfeld, Kochan, Ferguson, 2007, Cutcher-Gershenfeld Kochan, 20 04, Cutcher-Gershenfeld McKersie, 2009, Post, 2009). The NLRA gave legal authority for employees to organize and join a union for the purposes of collectively bargaining with theirRead MoreLabor Relations: Collective Bargaining Agreements1588 Words  | 7 PagesCollective Bargaining Collective bargaining is the process which involves negotiation on the employment’s terms between the employer and employees. The employment terms possibly include the items like working conditions, employment conditions and workplace rules, overtime pay, base pay, work hours, work holidays, shift length, vacation time, sick leave, health care benefits and retirement benefits. In US, the collective bargaining is done among the leaders of labor union and the company’s managementRead MoreCollective Bargaining And Bargaining Agreements1704 Words  | 7 Pagesterm â€Å"collective bargaining†and list and describe four issues that are mandatory components of a collective bargaining agreement. The term collective bargaining is defined as the system of bargaining when representatives of the employer and the employees negotiate the terms and conditions of employment that will apply to the employees. In the United States collective bargaining agreements are legally binding and typically last one to five years. (Budd, 2013,) PAGE 235 Collective bargaining is oneRead MoreWhy Should We Care About Collective Bargaining? Essay1272 Words  | 6 PagesA question that has frequently been ask over the years is, Why should we care about collective bargaining? . The thing that has been missing from the collective bargaining discussion is a real explanation and understanding of the concept. Collective bargaining has been described as a process when employees and their representatives form a united front, known as a union, to negotiate with their employers. These negotiations are usually over things like pay rates and salary amounts, benefits, andRead MoreArbitration And Sports Association And Dispute Resolution Under The American Arbitration Association1099 Words  | 5 Pagesof their discrete dispute. In summation, arbitration is process that is private, speedy, cost efficient, and customized to the liking of the parties involved. Alternative dispute resolution is by no means a recently adopted form of dispute resolution. Courts now yield a vast number alternative dispute resolution alternatives, with even some courts requiring that cases be taken to mediation before the court will allow the litigation process to begin. In many facets of industry, alternative disputeRead MoreCollective Bargaining, Reviewing The Process And The Issues That Commonly Present Themselves1196 Words  | 5 PagesCollective Bargaining, Reviewing the Process and the Issues that Commonly Present Themselves Lucila Munoz* I. Introduction Throughout the years organizations and unions have struggled for rights and benefits for workers. All the while the managers, supervisors and directors have counteracted such behaviors, favoring the companies, to protect them from going out of business. Through collective bargaining both parties have labored to find common ground. Collective bargaining as defined by the CornellRead MoreUnion Unions And Collective Bargaining Agreements772 Words  | 4 PagesA labor union is a group containing workers who come together and organize an organization to champion their interests in the labor market. The union so formed negotiates for better working conditions, increased job security, safer working conditions, better remuneration and compensation perks (Carver, 2011). In this regard, negotiations play a very important role in coming up with collective bargaining agreements, thus a negotiation process to articulate the interests of employees as representedRead MoreLabor Relations And C ollective Bargaining1111 Words  | 5 PagesLabor Relations Collective Bargaining It is stated that the objective of Labor Relations is derived from the employment relationship. With any relationship, there must be a balance. Without balance the relationship will be hindered. To maintain this balance of an employment relationship we focus on the objectives of Labor Relations. These include efficiency, equity and voice. Efficiency is the productive use of resources, equity involves the fair treatment of employees and voice helps integrateRead MoreHow Collective Bargaining Agreements Effect The Players And The Owners1416 Words  | 6 PagesUnited States have in common? If you guessed Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA), Unions, arbitration and strikes/work stoppages you are absolutely correct. In the coming paragraphs, labor relations within the world of sports will be discussed from their unions to how collective bargaining agreements effect both the players and the owners. What is a Collective Bargaining Agreement? CBA is a written and signed document between a company and a labor organization specifying the terms and conditionsRead MoreEffectiveness Of Joint Collaboration Between Unions And Management1414 Words  | 6 Pagesrelationship between labor and management was very confrontational when he assumed the role of city manager. His experiences with collective bargaining were in very traditional bargaining environments and he had very little experience with interest-based bargaining. This case traces the impact on service, costs, and capacity for problem solving, by demonstrating the conduct of collective bargaining, non-bargaining interactions, and contract administration with the city s three bargaining units. This paper
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
In what ways was the stimulus material developed during the drama process Free Essays
Before we had been shown our choices of stimuli, we had been introduced to a range of exercises that enabled us to explore texts, music and pictures in different ways. This helped immensely during the first stages of development, as we had an idea of how the stimuli could influence the performance overall. For example, looking at pictures we would determine who were the main people involved in the picture, and if somebody looked sad, we tried to give them a story behind that sadness. We will write a custom essay sample on In what ways was the stimulus material developed during the drama process? or any similar topic only for you Order Now After looking at a variety of pictures, we decided upon ‘Scream’ By Edvard Munch. There were two versions of this picture, both colour, and one in black and white. We all agreed that the black and white picture created the wider range of possibilities for us, as it represented a more eerie and haunting scene. We created a spider diagram of words that we felt when looking at the picture. Words relating to anger, trapped, loneliness, disfigurement, illness and paranoia all appeared within this first diagram. The next stage of processing the drama was to decide on which of these themes we liked the most. ‘Trapped’ gave us the biggest set of possibilities to explore into, as it incorporated many of the above emotions anyway. After another spider diagram where we came up with a wider range of words that derived from the feeling of being trapped. These included illness, abuse, eating disorders, OCD and correctness. Next each member researched into a specific topic from this diagram, and thought up an interpretation of each scene. We collectively decided that to reflect the image, we would follow no particular structure or genre of acting. We thought that by letting each scene flow independently would create a basis for us to expand on. However we knew that at some point we would have to link them all together to create a performance. Much like the lines in the image, as each line helps create the bigger picture. Our concepts that we’re derived from the word trapped were specifically based on modern concepts, which helped with the audiences understanding of the subject matter, and more aware of how it affects society today. There is one scene however which doesn’t really reflect modern day, however it is still representative of recent history. This scene is the suffragette scene. We used this to reflect upon the fact that the issues we were representing are not just modern issues, but have in fact been around for years. From our spider diagrams we came up with a list of possible plots, and characters that would be involved in each scene. We experimented with our techniques to develop the stimulus. Rehearsal techniques came in very handy during the dry spells in our development. We were often faced with a mental block of ideas, and therefore chose to experiment with different rehearsal methods based around one of our theme words to help us out. For example, we knew we wanted a scene on abuse, yet we did not know how we wanted to show this. Whether realism or surrealism would be more appropriate and effective. Therefore, we used a technique in which we chose a subject of abuse, and whether we were the abused or the abuser. When a thought came into our mind on the chosen subject, we would shout out how we felt. For example my character had been cheated on, and I said ‘what do you think you’re doing with my husband? He’s MY husband not yours’. We gradually made the lines more dramatic and offensive, until we had reached the highest level of abuse we thought possible. This really helped us in creating out performance as we then decided to re-enact the abuse scene the same as that, yet eventually repeat one line until we all ended up creating a machine. This form of acting worked well as it showed how the many different aspects of abuse. We decided to do this by walking through the audience and shouting our words to the audience making them feel very uneasy and extremely vulnerable. To enable this technique to have more of an effect, we made the audience sit in small groups of two of three. We placed their chairs randomly at different angles (however all facing the stage to some degree) and this helped create the tension and effect of being alone. We felt this was an important link to our stimulus as the image is relating to loneliness and madness. We used status work to try and create the levels of status that we should portray in each scene. The image represents a delusion of a person who is obviously distressed in some way or another. Therefore during the construction of the scenes, we made every character determine what status they were in comparison to the other characters on the stage at the same time. Although our stimulus provided us with many ideas, we also wanted to incorporate this image with one of the previous stimuli that we had looked at. It was a piece of music which we felt was a representation of poverty as it sounded so sad and depressing. We felt that the image and the music intertwined and linked well with each other, as poverty is present in the music and poverty = loneliness, and loneliness is obviously present in the image. How to cite In what ways was the stimulus material developed during the drama process?, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Contract With Airbus Corporation Limited †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Contract With Airbus Corporation Limited? Answer: Introducation According to the case study the Qantas Airlines Ltd signed a contract with Airbus Corporation Limited for building a new airplane therefore in this matter both of them hat agreed with the legal bindings and one party has make the offer the other party is accept the contract. In the case of smith and hugs the it has been found where the both of the parties has legally blind with offer and acceptance as per the terms of contract (McKendrick Liu, 2015). The case of Smith v Hughes the court has found that the parties have accept the offer according to the terms of the contract. In the case of Empirnall Holdings Pty Ltd v Machon Paull Partners Pty where the court has found that the parties has legally binding in a contract where they do not have any knowledge about the terms of contract however it make the contract valid. Therefore it can be said that according to the terms of contract an offer and acceptance is one of the important part or terms of the contract where party must make a mutual consideration and sell it legal objects and must have the real intention to from the contract (McKendrick Liu, 2015). Therefore according to the case study the LEstange v Graucob terms of contract has been made where a condition is also made and as per the condition the parties failed to accept the terms of conditions in the contract then it will we reach the contract where the parties will fail to deposit the contract for the innocent Party Can claim the damages due to the breach of the contract (Andrews, 2015). Warranty is another contact each me KN significance as per the terms but it is provided by the aggrieved party who will provide a certain time for the application of the contract and if it is breached then everybody will bound to pay the compensation to the innocent party. Therefore that damages in contract for you to the breach the terms of contract make the damage in the contract law therefore if it is and the identified that the aggrieved party has not able to satisfy the terms of contract and due to breach of the contract the Innocent party has faced any damage therefore the aggrieved p arty will bound to pay the compensation for the damages which occurred by them (McKendrick Liu, 2015). In the case of Tabcorp Holdings Ltd v Bowen Investments Pty Ltd it has been found that the aggrieved party is found to liable for violet the terms of contract where it has provided the warranty and the condition. Therefore innocent party has suffered damage and they claim for the compensation (Andrews, 2015). Application According to the case study the issue has identified about the legal position of the contract where the Qantas Airlines Ltd has made the contract with Airbus Corporation Limited therefore it is necessary to determine the contractual terms of that agreement which has been made between two airlines company as per the case study the contract has formed with the mutual consideration according 545 terms it is incorporated with the agreement (McKendrick Liu, 2015). Therefore one party has made the offer and another party accept the terms where it is clear both of the airline companies has no the conditions of offer and acceptance which are mentioned in the agreement now the according to the signed contract airbus send to Qantas Airlines Ltd package containing a large number of documents which includes the contract itself and examples of the color scheme which will be used. Therefore there is another part in that contract about the limitation of liability which includes that if the Airbus Corporation Limited has made any breach of the terms as per the Contract then they will be liable to kept at $30,000 to the Qantas Airlines Ltd. As this Toms has been mentioned in the agreement therefore the duty has lies for the here this that the mentioned exclusion clause must be get to the knowledge of Qantas Airlines Ltd (Andrews, 2015). Therefore the close of exclusion is not made under the notice where the Qantas Airlines Ltd will be part of this clause when the contact has been made it is necessary that both of the parties will know about every terms and conditions and queries. Now as the Qantas Airlines Ltd has no knowledge about such notice which was placed to them through a big box so the contract is not satisfied the terms which are legally invalid (McKendrick Liu, 2015). Now as per the contract the engineers of Airbus limited has wrongly installed wrong entertainment system where they required of 36 systems they have installed only 34 systems which has been not made according to the contract. Therefore they already breach the contract due to the dissatisfaction of the terms of contract now the Qantas Airlines Ltd is suffering for the mistake by Airbus and they can required for the compensation (McKendrick Liu, 2015). According to the terms of contract the Airbus has breach the terms of the contract therefore the Qantas Airlines Ltd has right to claim the compensation from Airbus for the breach of the contract (Andrews, 2015). As per the case study Frank who is the owner of the shop has fired Bob who used to drink whole day and join the workplace every day late. Therefore Frank has fired him. However when Bob used a false way to collect money by using the Franks shop bank account and using his appliances from his sir and fail to delivery at the customer Angela who transfer the money and want to convert who has want to take legal actions against him. As Frank has no knowledge about such miss representation before the issue is arise when FSrank is liable to pay the amount back or supply the appliances to the customer (McKendrick, 2014). It is a case of misrepresentation of facts was the parties has been entered in a contract with the legal binding agreement without knowing the true facts and form the contract as per the basis of false statement. Therefore it is a misrepresentation. In the case of Bisset v Wilkinson [1927] it has been found that the plaintiff is made a contract agreement with the defendant as per the basis of false or misrepresentation where it carries the legal value of the contract but the intention of the defendant has misconducts. Therefore the case has been found illegal and fail to bind to the contract (McKendrick, 2014). In the case of Smith v Land House Property Corp (1884) the misrepresentation has been found in the desirable tenant where the defendant has agreed in the contract to buy the hotel but later it was been found that the tenant was bankrupt. Therefore the defendant is failed to complete the contract and the plaintiff has sued the defendant as for the failure of specific performan ce. In the case of Edgington v Fitzmaurice (1885) the court of appeal has found that the intention of the statement in the contract is established the misrepresentation where the plaintiff was bound to entitled to signed the contract and the defendant make the promise to complete the contract but intention was illegal. The difference between the misrepresentation and puffery make the legal value of the contract where the property defines as a self evident acceleration which was not appropriate to used for the purpose of advertising (McKendrick, 2014). It is important that misrepresentation must applied by a party of the contract where a false statements is necessary to relate on the other party who will be affected. In the Hill v Rose [1990] case the court has found that the innocent party who enters into the contract but later it has been found that the statement is made on the basis of false or misrepresentation towards the party (Butler, et al. 2013). Therefore applying the misrpresentation there must be an agency who will be the principal and bound to perform on behalf of the authority and the authority not always provide the power to the agent where the third party is involved to work according to the agent but there is a relation between the agent and principal in the miss presentation (Butler, et al. 2013). In the case of Watteau v Fenwick [1983] the court has found that the authority is never allowed to provide any relation with the agent and the principal is need to exist and the third party must enter into that contract where they only depend upon the agent who works behalf of the principal (McKendrick, 2014). According to the case study Gemma is employed under Frank where she knows about the price of dishwasher and makes a third party involvement to sale the dishwasher to her niece. She has knowledge that dishwasher could be sale in $350. However, when Gemma want to sell the dishwasher, Frank authorized her to sell that on $300 as per the basis of misrepresentation. Now when Tom is the customer who wants to buy the dishwasher in $350, he has found it has already sold in $300. Therefore Frank is misrepresentation ha occur by Gemma where Frank was informed with wrong information. Here it can be stated that Gemma has made the fraudulent misrepresentation towards Frank where he could gain the more profit by selling the dishwasher. Now Frank can claim the compensation of $50 from Gemma for committing the fraudulent misrepresentation with Frank to sell the dishwasher in $300 instead of $350 (McKendrick, 2014). Now as per the Bobs activity he was also a sales representative in Franks shop where Bob has make negotiating frequently misrepresentation with Frank. While Frank has fired him for became drunk at the time of work. Therefore there is no liability for Frank about the activities of Bob. Bob made a contract with Angela who wants to buy washing machines for her commercial laundries and she made a contract to buying of 10 washing machines for a price of $1,000 for each (Butler, et al. 2013). She transferred the money in the home appliance bank account. Here Angela and Frank both of them do not have any knowledge about the situation where Angela dont know about that Frank has already fired Bob and where Frank has not make any contract with her while selling the washing machine. Therefore in this matter Frank only liable to make the claim from the damages against Bob (McKendrick, 2014). Conclusion Therefore as per the case studies both Gemma and Bob has fraudulently misrepresentation against Frank and Gemma and Bob both has bound to pay the damage compensation towards Frank on the terms of fraudulent misrepresentation of contract. Reference Andrews, N. (2015). Contract law. Cambridge University Press. Bisset v Wilkinson [1927] AC 177 Butler, D., Christensen, S., Willmott, L., Dixon, B. (2013). Contract Law Case Book. Edgington v Fitzmaurice (1885) 29 Ch D 459 Empirnall Holdings Pty Ltd v Machon Paull Partners Pty Ltd (1988) 14 NSWLR 527 Hill v Rose [1990] VR 129 LEstange v Graucob (1923) 2KB 394 McKendrick, E. (2014). Contract law: text, cases, and materials. Oxford University Press (UK). McKendrick, E., Liu, Q. (2015). Contract Law: Australian Edition. Palgrave Macmillan. Smith v Hughes Court of Queen's Bench [1871] LR 6 QB 597 Smith v Land House Property Corp (1884) 28 Ch D 7 Tabcorp Holdings Ltd v Bowen Investments Pty Ltd [2009] HCA 8 Watteau v Fenwick [1983] 1 QB 346
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